New York Color Strip Me Off Base Coat - Review


Alright ladies and gents! A few months ago, I noticed that peel-off base coats (among liquid palisade) was becoming a trend in the world of nail art. I figured that I really wanted to try out a peel-off base coat and found NYC's Strip Me Off base coat at my local Target (before it went bankrupt and went out of business). It varies in price depending on where you go. According to NYC's website, it retails for $1.99 but I know that my local Walmart has NYC polishes 2/$3. Before I get into the details of how this product worked out for me, I'm going to quote what the NYC's website says about this product:

"Now changing your nail effects is as easy as slipping out of your dress!

Work on Wall Street, show on Broadway and then rooftop party in Central Park? As a truly fashion New Yorker, you might want to change outfit for each occasion all day long. Just STRIP OFF your glitter or color polish easily in only 1 step to reveal your nail ready for a new manicure. No remover needed! Yes, now it’s truly possible to add a stylish final touch to your outfit every single day.


  • Easy to peel off
  • No remover needed
  • Provides instant removal
  • Fast and easy change of colors and effects nail polish
  • Ideal to switch your manicure every day
  • Dries quickly
  • Protect your nails
  • Smoothes rides and imperfections in nails"

This peel-off base coat is essentially glue (I'm not even kidding). The product looks and smells like Elmer's glue. Online, I've seen a few nail artists adding water-based craft glue into empty nail polish bottles to create their own peel-off base coats. The product is supposed to be applied until it becomes transparent, but I find that if you do it too thick then it stays opaque and tacky. I wore glitter on my nails for a few days before removal, and let me tell you, removal was a pain in the butt. If you can recall chipping off nail polish out of boredom during a movie or a lecture, imagine that, but with slightly more ease. It took me a couple minutes to fully chip away the polish on just one nail. After that, I figured that using regular nail polish remover was easier to use. I wouldn't recommend peeling off your nail polish anyways because it can remove the actual top layer of your nail bed, which weakens your nails. It can also result in white patches and textural irregularities. This product was a flub for me, but it was less than $2 so it wasn't a big loss.

If you want to see how the base coat applies and how I struggled to remove my glitter polish, be sure to check out my review below:

And for anyone wondering, this is the glitter look that I wore to test out the peel-off base coat:

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