10 Things that Only People with Long Nails will Understand


There's some things that only people with long nails will understand. Things that nubby nailed people just don't get about us individuals with long nails. Not sure what I'm talking about? Well read on, because I'm about to get real with you.

1. Picking small things up can be a challenge

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Some smaller objects can be extremely difficult to pick up. Coins, cards, bobby pins, etc. Once you drop the item on the ground your choices are limited. You can either struggle trying to pick the item up, have someone else pick it up for you, or accept your fate and leave it where it lays.

2. When you break a nail it's like losing a friend

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This one hits home so hard, I just broke my thumbnail on my right hand (thank God it was not the hand I take pictures of for this blog, or I'd be even more devastated than I already am). It took me MONTHS to get it to the length that I had it at. Thumbnails are the slowest, most difficult nails to grow for me, and it was the longest it had ever been. But then tragedy struck, and I broke my nail. All my hard work and patience was gone. And if you think for one second that I'm going to file down all of my other nails to match the length of this one, you're dead wrong. This nail betrayed its sisters. It's a traitor. A back-stabber who needs to earn their place back in the family.

3. The click-clacky sound

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You know the one. The one you make when you drum your fingers on a table that is oh-so satisfying but will annoy the hell out of anyone within earshot.

4. Using keyboards can be a bit of a challenge

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If you grow out your nails naturally like myself, you adapt to being able to type with long nails. But if you get an acrylic manicure and try to use a computer right at the get-go, typing is a challenge. It can also be uncomfortable trying to type with that extra length that you're not used to. Even if you're a good typist your sentences can start to look like lorem ipsum. 

5. Touching your eyes is a no-no

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Your nails are long and pointy! Touching anywhere remotely close to your eyeballs can be scary because you can jab your peepers. Forget about wearing contacts. If you do, I admire your bravery of not fearing temporary blindness.

6. Opening soda with your nails is dangerous business

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Unless you want to break a nail, you have to change how you do some daily tasks. The most dangerous one is opening soda cans. I often use a knife or some other utensil to pry open the tab. Rule number one of long nails is don't use your nails as a tool! If I need to open a can and have no tools at my disposal, I make my boyfriend open it for me. Adapt. Overcome.

7. You give the best back scratches

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People may complain that your nails are too long or too pointy, but they won't complain if they ever need a back scratch. Because with your long nails, you give the best scratches!

8. The undersides of your nails can get dirty as heck

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No matter how great you are at maintaining personal hygiene, the undersides of your nails can get a little filthy. Scrapings of foundation from touching your face, bits of food from prepping meals, globs of lotion from moisturizing your skin, etc. Everything and anything will get caught under there. And to be honest, it's a little gross.

9. Your nails are an unintentional dangerous weapon

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Sometimes you scratch yourself or others accidentally. You may wake up in the morning with scratches and you don't know how you got them. My boyfriend fears holding my hands, or having my hands near him in general because my squared-off tips have been known to knick him. Long nails are beautiful but deadly.

10. Every time you do your nails you have to show everyone and anyone who will listen

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Us people with long nails don't care if it's a creme polish, multichrome, glitter, holo, or Van Gogh painting on our nails. We'll show off our fabulous manis regardless, take pictures of them, and post them to our social media accounts. Because if you got it, flaunt it.

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